Goldsboro Theft Crime Lawyer
Defending You Against Your Theft Accusations in Goldsboro
Are you facing theft accusations in Goldsboro, NC? Our theft defense lawyers at Pittman Agner are prepared to strategize a thorough and effective defense for you. Theft crimes in North Carolina are charged as either misdemeanors or felonies, and we are more than equipped to craft a compelling defense to protect your rights and argue for mitigated charges. We will do our best to secure as favorable an outcome as possible, and we handle a range of theft cases including burglary and robbery. Reach out to Pittman Agner today to learn more about your rights as a defendant and how North Carolina litigates theft charges.
Schedule an initial consultation with Pittman Agner to discuss your legal options today.
What Is a Crime of Theft in North Carolina?
Theft, also called “larceny” in North Carolina, is generally defined as a crime in which a person takes the property of another with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of their property. Examples of larceny include:
- receiving or possessing stolen goods;
- concealing merchandise in a store;
- stealing gasoline at a service station;
- stealing motor vehicle parts; and
- removing a shopping cart from the store premises.
Misdemeanor and Felony Theft Penalties
Larceny is penalized in North Carolina based on the value of the property allegedly stolen. Most crimes of larceny are felonies, but specific types of theft can be charged as “petty misdemeanors.” For one, the crime of "concealment of merchandise,” also known as “shoplifting,” is a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by a suspended sentence of imprisonment for a first offense if the offender performs 24 hours of community service. A second offense of shoplifting within 3 years will be charged as a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable by a suspended imprisonment sentence if the offender performs 72 hours of community service or served at least 72 hours in prison.
Theft of property or services worth $1,000 or less is a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to 45 days of incarceration. Theft of property worth over $1,000 is a Class H felony punishable by 4-8 months in jail, depending on several factors.
Furthermore, regardless of the value of the property allegedly stolen, larceny always constitutes a felony under North Carolina law if:
- the property was taken from someone’s person;
- the property was a firearm, explosive decide, or any record or paper in the custody of the state archives; or
- the theft was committed via breaking and entering.
Some theft cases may also warrant civil penalties in addition to criminal penalties, particularly in the case of shoplifting. For example, a defendant may be civilly liable for the following damages to a store owner they allegedly stole from:
- actual damages to compensate for the value of the stolen merchandise or any damage to it;
- punitive damages meant more to punish the offender than reimburse the store; and
- reimbursement of the store owner's attorney fees.
If the stolen property is worth $2,000 or greater and the offender used a vehicle to commit the theft, the court can also order the seizure of the vehicle under the state’s civil forfeiture law.
Schedule an initial consultation with Pittman Agner to get started on your defense immediately.
Contact Pittman Agner
Our attorneys at Pittman Agner are here to champion your defense in the face of theft charges. We are a full-service law firm providing comprehensive criminal law representation, and we can defend you against a range of theft accusations, from larceny to robbery to burglary. Whatever theft charges you have incurred, our lawyers are more than ready to help you strategize an effective defense.